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Case Study: Daniel Smith, Sustainable Labs Officer, University of Birmingham

We are very pleased to welcome Daniel Smith, Sustainable Labs Officer at the University of Birmingham, to discuss the impressive work that has been going on at the . . .

The Zeppelin List & Learning From My Mistakes

I make mistakes every single day. Sometimes I make the same mistake again and again, even on the same day, which is annoying. But, I seem to be adept at reviewing my . . .

What we love - bouncing back from making mistakes

Just the word, ‘mistake’ can strike fear in many people’s minds, but it really shouldn’t. Making mistakes is a normal part of life and can offer the opportunity to learn . . .

Tips and tools to learn from your mistakes

We all make mistakes, for sure. It’s part of what makes us human. But it’s no good crying over spilt milk. Making mistakes is a learning process so it’s important not to . . .

Free Furniture and Equipment for Schools

The Warp It reuse system is a network whereby schools can access free corporate assets like stationery, chairs, desks, cabinets, sports equipment etc. There is no charge . . .

Feature: free stuff for schools

Did you know schools can use Warp It for free? This means you can donate items to them easily and quickly. Not only will it help you, but the school benefits by . . .

University of Reading Case Study, With Ruth Harris

We welcome Ruth Harris, Sustainability Officer at the University of Reading. Ruth has been supporting various sustainability projects and their development within the . . .

Everything You Need to Know About Staff Sales for Personal Use

Hey! This is Daniel O’Connor from Warp It, and this article is here to explain how and why you should consider selling or donating assets to staff for personal use. I’m . . .

Downloads, Templates & Guides to Help You Make Reuse Mainstream in Your Organisation

Save time, get our templates! This page links to all of the templates that you will need to publicise and embed your furniture and equipment reuse program in a smooth . . .


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