Case Study: Daniel Smith, Sustainable Labs Officer, University of Birmingham
We are very pleased to welcome Daniel Smith, Sustainable Labs Officer at the University of Birmingham, to discuss the impressive work that has been going on at the . . .
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We are very pleased to welcome Daniel Smith, Sustainable Labs Officer at the University of Birmingham, to discuss the impressive work that has been going on at the . . .
I make mistakes every single day. Sometimes I make the same mistake again and again, even on the same day, which is annoying. But, I seem to be adept at reviewing my . . .
Just the word, ‘mistake’ can strike fear in many people’s minds, but it really shouldn’t. Making mistakes is a normal part of life and can offer the opportunity to learn . . .
We all make mistakes, for sure. It’s part of what makes us human. But it’s no good crying over spilt milk. Making mistakes is a learning process so it’s important not to . . .
The Warp It reuse system is a network whereby schools can access free corporate assets like stationery, chairs, desks, cabinets, sports equipment etc. There is no charge . . .
Did you know schools can use Warp It for free? This means you can donate items to them easily and quickly. Not only will it help you, but the school benefits by . . .
We welcome Ruth Harris, Sustainability Officer at the University of Reading. Ruth has been supporting various sustainability projects and their development within the . . .
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We are going to be talking about lab reuse, behavioural change, and a gigantic balloon!
Topics: University, People, Sustainable Labs
Sometimes I make the same mistake again and again, even on the same day, which is annoying. But, I seem to be adept at reviewing my behaviour and my actions and finding a way to correct course.
Topics: Guidance for projects
Just the word, ‘mistake’ can strike fear in many people’s minds, but it really shouldn’t.
Making mistakes is a normal part of life and can offer the opportunity to learn and become better.
Don’t let the fear of making mistakes prevent you from trying anything new or moving out of your comfort zone.
Topics: What we love
We all make mistakes, for sure. It’s part of what makes us human.
But it’s no good crying over spilt milk. Making mistakes is a learning process so it’s important not to dwell on them but, instead, to own up to them and make it right.
So, this month we’re looking at how to maximise the opportunities that making mistakes can offer.
Take a look through our tips and tools to help you do just that and remember the great Albert Einstein’s words of wisdom:
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
Topics: Tips and tools
We used to charge £50 for schools for the year but we have dropped this to remove the financial barrier and give schools free access.
This move was inspired by news articles like this and also hearing the same sort of story locally where we live.
We see surplus stationery and educational equipment everyday on a massive scale so we think making this move is actually a duty of ours to take advantage of the power of our network.
Topics: Charity
Did you know schools can use Warp It for free? This means you can donate items to them easily and quickly.
Topics: Warp It admin, Features and benefits
Ruth has been supporting various sustainability projects and their development within the educational organisation for 4 years, and has been the Warp It lead since they joined in early 2015.
Topics: University, Case study, Increasing participation
Hey! This is Daniel O’Connor from Warp It, and this article is here to explain how and why you should consider selling or donating assets to staff for personal use. I’m going to walk you through the process, the control features, the legal implications, and the way forward.
This page links to all of the templates that you will need to publicise and embed your furniture and equipment reuse program in a smooth and efficient way.
The purpose of each template is to save you time. We created templates that we think will fit specific scenarios - you just need to drop in your own details and customisations.
If you feel your furniture reuse system is not embedded well into your organisational culture, you really need to be communicating to your members as often as you think is relevant via, as many channels as you can.
We recommend when you are launching that you should communicate at least once every 3 months.
Topics: Warp It admin, Campaigns
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