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Feature: redistributing electrical goods

If electrical goods and gadgets are in good working order they can, and should, be reused. The range of electrical and electronic equipment is wide. Read more on this . . .

How Can Warp It Work In Business Improvement Districts & On Business Parks?

If you are involved with resource efficiency, waste or sustainability within on business parks then this is for you. Welcome. In this article we are going to answer one . . .

New Feature: Bulk Uploads

In this post, we will be looking at a new feature we have added to the Warp It system that makes life easier for building clearance managers, and allows reuse to be . . .

Using a Spreadsheet to Redistribute Surplus Assets?

Many of the organisations we talk to do not have any kind of asset reuse going on. Some are right at the start of their reuse journey. Some use email to redistribute . . .

Welcome to the £100k Club! Warp It’s Leading Savers...

Engaging your organisation in reuse is getting more and more popular each month, as we see and hear sentiment and content from all around the industry push this method . . .

Feature: add an extra field on upload forms

To automate the reuse of assets around your organisation, at some point you'll have to give staff the ability to add their own unwanted items rather than relying on one . . .

Why Facilities Should Not Catalogue Reusable Assets

Here at Warp It, we often get asked the interesting question of ‘How do you maintain your catalogue of usable items on your marketplace?’. This will be the focus of this . . .

Get Ready for your CQC Audit With our FREE Graphics Package

Dear Warp It members who are part of the NHS, this post and download have been made especially with you in mind. If you aren’t a member of the NHS, and you have no idea . . .

How a desktop Warp It Icon can make a huge difference to organisational reuse

One of the easiest ways to engage people in your reuse program is to actually get people on Warp It and looking around. If they don’t get as far as the portal, something . . .


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