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What we love this March 2018

This March we’re loving everything about acknowledging our achievements, saying thank you, and, well, just being nice! Simply giving thanks affects everything. It can . . .

Why Should HR Get Involved In Reuse?

Getting buy in from all departments within an organisation maximises reuse of surplus assets. Ensuring Warp It is introduced right from the get go will mean Warp It . . .

How Andrew reused 100s of surplus assets to furnish an entire building.

How one man furnished the whole of his department from surplus furniture available elsewhere on is estate.... Andrew Sainty work in the Emotional Wellbeing Services, . . .

Feature: set your own deadline

Change is inevitable and deadlines need to be adjusted from time to time. When an item is added to Warp It a deadline can be set. This is the last point the owner can . . .

How stickers can help improve reuse.

We want to make reuse mainstream. So do our customers. “Got. Got. Need. Need. Got. Got. Got. Got. Need. Need. Need.” This is the high pitched cry you would have heard if . . .

How to donate surplus assets into the charity sector

Are you seeking to improve how your organisation is currently donating surplus assets to charity? Are you trying to find a way to effectively donate furniture to charity . . .

Making things better & making better things. Eco Innovation

The Mark Shayler interview Mark Shayler from This is Ape is hosting our break out sessions at our up coming workshops. Mark is an Eco innovator & author (Book here), . . .

The porters are one of your secret weapons for reuse!

If the CEO and senior management abandoned an organisation overnight and did not come back for one month. The staff probably would not notice the difference. If the . . .

'Collection Evenings & Charities', Micaela Basford, Bath & North East Somerset Council

Warp It are pleased to welcome Micaela Basford, Corporate Sustainability Officer at Bath and North East Somerset Council. Micaela has kindly joined us to talk about a . . .


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