What we love this March 2018
This March we’re loving everything about acknowledging our achievements, saying thank you, and, well, just being nice! Simply giving thanks affects everything. It can . . .
Recent Articles
This March we’re loving everything about acknowledging our achievements, saying thank you, and, well, just being nice! Simply giving thanks affects everything. It can . . .
Getting buy in from all departments within an organisation maximises reuse of surplus assets. Ensuring Warp It is introduced right from the get go will mean Warp It . . .
How one man furnished the whole of his department from surplus furniture available elsewhere on is estate.... Andrew Sainty work in the Emotional Wellbeing Services, . . .
Change is inevitable and deadlines need to be adjusted from time to time. When an item is added to Warp It a deadline can be set. This is the last point the owner can . . .
We want to make reuse mainstream. So do our customers. “Got. Got. Need. Need. Got. Got. Got. Got. Need. Need. Need.” This is the high pitched cry you would have heard if . . .
Are you seeking to improve how your organisation is currently donating surplus assets to charity? Are you trying to find a way to effectively donate furniture to charity . . .
The Mark Shayler interview Mark Shayler from This is Ape is hosting our break out sessions at our up coming workshops. Mark is an Eco innovator & author (Book here), . . .
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This March we’re loving everything about acknowledging our achievements, saying thank you, and, well, just being nice!
Simply giving thanks affects everything. It can make you a more positive person; a more productive person. A better achiever.Topics: What we love
We have talked about getting specific roles within your organisation excited about reuse before- see here- but I bet you never thought HR could be an allie!
Why Should HR Get Involved In Reuse?
Topics: Increasing participation, Easy wins
Topics: NHS, Case study, Sustainable healthcare
Change is inevitable and deadlines need to be adjusted from time to time.
When an item is added to Warp It a deadline can be set. This is the last point the owner can have the item in their possession.
However as items are added to the ruse system circumstances can change and deadlines impacted. To increase the chance a match will made within time frames, and ensure the item finds a new home, you can cancel notifications and alter deadlines.
Here's a guide on how to use this feature.
While the default deadline of three weeks is usually enough, you can change it.
See below.
Topics: Warp It admin, Features and benefits
“Got. Got. Need. Need. Got. Got. Got. Got. Need. Need. Need.”
Topics: Warp It admin, Campaigns, Increasing participation
This resource will be handy for anyone who is donating or planning to donate assets to charity as part of a surplus assets reuse program or a furniture reuse network.
Topics: Report, Charity, Warp It admin, Reuse program: Advanced
Mark Shayler from This is Ape is hosting our break out sessions at our up coming workshops.
Mark is an Eco innovator & author (Book here), who works on making things better & making better things.
He is the founding partner of The Do Lectures, which is like Ted Talks but way better and way cooler and more down to earth.
He also produces a great podcast if you are into delivering quality.
Mark's Ted Talk is right here.
He is an engaging speaker. He has 4 kids, 11 chicks, 10 ducks and 2 dogs!
I first met Mark a few years ago at an event. I was exhibiting and across the hall could hear outbursts of laughter. This is rare for the types of exhibition we go to. i walked over to see what it was all about and the vibe was more like a comedy club than a boring Expo. Mark was talking about Eco Innovation and reducing and circulating assets, materials and resources.
Mark is going to be speaking at our forthcoming events!
Mark is hard to pin down, so I texted him (while he was on the way to Atlanta) some questions for this interview and he generously replied.
Topics: Warp It admin, Facilities management
Micaela has kindly joined us to talk about a building decommission project that she was recently a driving force for. She is a fountain of knowledge and her advice will prove exceptionally useful to Charities, Facilities Managers, Sustainability Professionals and more. She will talk about :
Topics: Case study, Charity, Municipal council
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