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Why Should Space or Decant Managers Be Interested in Reuse?

The purpose of this article is to explain the benefits of reuse and in particular the Warp It Reuse System - in relation to Space Management, Decanting, and Buildings on . . .

Bullet points do not inspire...stories do!

Storytelling is a powerful way to help us find personal meaning within a shared context, engage us in a journey and giving us a reason to believe. By sharing inspiring . . .

How to get senior management talking about reuse

Let’s be frank, grabbing the attention of senior management can be a bit tricky. Their inboxes are busy, their phones are ringing off the hook and they fly from meeting . . .

The one reason facilities managers should support and encourage reuse

Q: Why should facilities managers get involved with reuse? A: Reuse is a great way to illustrate the effectiveness of the FM or estates team There are lots of reasons . . .

How To Collaborate and Build Support Internally - Signpost

Welcome! If you’ve seen our other signpost articles on getting people to buy in to your ideas, and the benefits of Warp It to the healthcare sector, just to name a . . .

How To Deliver Your Initial Reuse Program Stakeholder Meeting

Ready to introduce a reuse programme, or improve on the existing system? Read ahead and find out the best practice for using a meeting plan to get more buy ins and . . .

How To Get Operational Buy-In For Reuse

Warp It’s founder, Daniel, was talking to Jonathan Latko from Temple University in Philadelphia about how he made a business case for the development of surplus asset . . .

It’s not what you know. It’s WHO you know

It may sound cliched but it’s true – it’s not what you know, but whom you know. There are people in your organisation who have influence over the decisions made in their . . .

How to prepare for the launch of your reuse program

So you’re ready to launch your reuse program or sign up to Warp It? Here’s what you need to know before you get started! You've identified a problem on your estate with . . .


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