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Hospital trusts reap reuse benefits

Five hospital trusts in Lancashire and South Cumbria have saved over £80,000 in just five months thanks to reusing with Warp It. Colleagues have been re-purposing . . .

Reuse at heart of North Bristol NHS Trust net zero goal

North Bristol NHS Trust has saved 121,079 kg in carbon and avoided sending 36,483 kg of waste to landfill, by using the Warp It reuse system. The Trust, which provides . . .

Reuse saves hospital ward hundreds of pounds

A women’s health ward at Ipswich Hospital has saved hundreds of pounds in a matter of weeks by rehoming unwanted equipment and furniture using the Warp It reuse system. . . .

Reusing furniture brings savings for University College Dublin

University College Dublin (UCD) has saved an estimated €280K and diverted more than 45 tonnes of furniture from landfill since joining the Warp It reuse and . . .

Warp It joins forces with ALtro project to revolutionise assisted living sector

A circular economy project based in North West Wales has teamed up with the Warp It reuse system to revolutionise the way pre-used or unwanted mobility equipment is . . .

North Ayrshire Council cuts costs and carbon with Warp It

North Ayrshire Council has helped save over 58,000 kg of carbon and avoided more than 22,300 kg of waste since joining Warp It in 2015. The Council has also saved over . . .

Warp It reuse community tips £5 million in charitable donations

Over £5.2 million worth of donations from the Warp It reuse and redistribution community have been given to charities in the UK and abroad. The level smashes the target . . .

Reuse work at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust receives recognition for second year running

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s sustainability and reuse work has received an internal environmental award, while saving £9,500 in just one year . . .

Reuse leads to nearly £418,000 in financial savings for University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge has saved £418,000 in just six years by using the Warp It reuse system. The organisation joined Warp It in 2016 and during this time has . . .


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