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Feature: redistributing electrical goods

If electrical goods and gadgets are in good working order they can, and should, be reused. The range of electrical and electronic equipment is wide. Read more on this . . .

Feature: add an extra field on upload forms

To automate the reuse of assets around your organisation, at some point you'll have to give staff the ability to add their own unwanted items rather than relying on one . . .

How a desktop Warp It Icon can make a huge difference to organisational reuse

One of the easiest ways to engage people in your reuse program is to actually get people on Warp It and looking around. If they don’t get as far as the portal, something . . .

Feature: Prioritise some members over others

Sometimes you may need to prioritise some members or organisations over others when it comes to reuse. For example, a building move may find staff who are moving wishing . . .

Feature: admin forum

Collaboration can often mean the difference between failure and success. Our admin forums are designed to allow those running reuse projects to network, collaborate, and . . .

How to Use Flat Screens to Boost Reuse Participation

Flat screen TVs are not only good for watching THE WORLD CUP they’re also a very useful tool for engaging people in whatever message you want to get out. Within your . . .

Feature: deleting options on active items

If circumstances change, an item listed on the Warp It reuse system may need to be removed to avoid disappointment or confusion. Here's a guide about the delete options . . .

The One Dreaded Thing That Can Stop Reuse When Decanting Buildings

This article is all about a problem. The problem is how to maximise the opportunity that building decommissions, or decants, present, especially when it comes to the . . .

How to Increase Your Charitable Output Through Great Communications

Linking up with charities to make donations should be easy, right? Well, before Warp It, it wasn’t. It was a lot of effort, with a lot of back and forth dialogue and . . .


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