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Warp It reuse community goes from strength to strength

The Warp It redistribution system has seen a surge in membership renewals during the last three months, highlighting the ongoing value of reuse and sustainability for . . .

Shropshire Council smashes reuse goals

Shropshire Council has exceeded its reuse goals by saving over £125,000 in procurement and disposal thanks to hard work, vision, collaboration and the Warp It . . .

Mental health charity renovates therapy rooms with reused office furniture

A mental health charity has refurbished its therapy rooms with a range of old and unwanted office furniture donated from the Warp It redistribution system. Glasgow-based . . .

Youth charity hub treated to makeover with reused furniture

A charity that supports young people has given a makeover to its event and training hub using furniture provided by the Warp It redistribution system. The Element . . .

Reuse saves nearly a quarter of a million for Welsh health board

Hywel Dda University Health Board has delivered £230k in savings thanks to reuse using the Warp It redistribution service. The Health Board, which provides healthcare . . .

University of Kent saves a million thanks to reuse

The University of Kent has reached a million-pound milestone in savings by using the Warp It reuse service. Now recognised as the top performing university using the . . .

Putting unwanted stationery to good use is the ‘write’ idea

A wide range of unwanted stationery is being put to good use and donated to schools and charities thanks to the Warp It community. Found during clearances or stationery . . .

Reuse scheme sees UWE Bristol help to refurnish emergency driving training classrooms

The University of the West of England Bristol has helped to kit out classrooms for trainee ambulance drivers at an NHS Trust using the Warp It distribution service. . . .

Charity & school donations surge due to change in working practices

As an increasing number of organisations put in place different ways of working, many are undergoing large clearances. This is resulting in thousands of stationery . . .


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