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Our Reuse Story - With Luke Champion, 2Gether NHS Foundation Trust

This week we welcome Luke Champion from 2Gether NHS Foundation Trust, a specialist mental health and learning disability service for the people of Gloucestershire and . . .

Is your reuse program failing? Don’t panic! Read this.

Most projects aren’t doomed for failure at the beginning; but the reality is that sometimes things fall apart, for a whole lot of reasons. Here are some tips to help you . . .

The Energy Manager of the Year is a Warp It Customer!

Of course, we could have predicted that using Warp It would bring great recognition to its top users, but what about when it came to winning one of the UK’s most . . .

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. Walt Disney

Part 2. Part 1 is here. My brother said you can't run 100 miles if you don't think you can run 100 miles, so I'm starting this off really confident, I'm gonna run 50 . . .

Warp It's 28-Step Guide To Implementing a Reuse Project

If you’ve landed on this page it means one of two things... A) You’re thinking about rolling out a reuse project, or B) You’re rolling one out already and you need to . . .

One Easy Tool for Managing Your Interns

It’s hard to manage interns (or is it?). They’re young, energetic, and often require a large time investment. If you didn’t ask for an intern, you might feel that . . .

An Insider's Guide to Managing Interns

Managing interns can be a tricky thing to navigate, but it doesn’t need to be. Over the last few years we’ve worked and engaged with dozens of organisations who have a . . .

Circular Economy Pioneers: Changing Mindsets & Maximising Reuse at Public Health Wales

Sally Attwood and Amanda Davies from Public Health Wales kindly volunteered to share their experiences for this interview. In this article we will be asking Sally and . . .

Four Ways Healthy Competition Stimulates Reuse

Did you know that you can take a look at Warp It’s best performers for thirteen different categories? It’s true, go ahead, take a look, you can see who the best . . .


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