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Feature: better contact details for your staff

It's important your contact details are quickly accessible for anyone using Warp It in your organisation. When they log on they should be easily seen. Things must be . . .

Warp It's Guide To Sustainable Building Clearances

This article is all about how to maximise the opportunity that building decommissions, or decants, present when it comes to the reuse of surplus assets. Why should you . . .

Why Your Intranet Site Is So Powerful For Behavioural Change

Imagine this all-too-common scenario: You’re trying to make a behaviour change in your organisation. You’re dead set on improving things. You are working so hard You . . .

The Ultimate Intern Support Pack. (For a Surplus Asset Reuse Program)

This resource will be handy for anyone engaging interns of any type. However we are particularly focussing on engaging interns as part of a surplus assets reuse program. . . .

1 easy activity to massively increase the impact of your reuse program

How do you increase participation in your reuse program in the most effective way possible? The one thing we all have is time. But how do you make sure you use that time . . .

Breaking down the impossible

My brother said you can't run 100 miles if you don't think you can run 100 miles, and I have ended up agreeing to run 50 miles this July. With a view to running 100 next . . .

Our tips and tools this December 2017

Each month we share a few things that we’ve spotted that inspire, amuse or entertain. It is nearly Christmas and so our tips and tools this month look at how you can . . .

£3 million for charity?

Earlier this year we announced that we’d facilitated the transfer of a million pounds worth of assets from our customers into charities up and down the land. And as of . . .

Talking Charitable Donations with Julie McPhee, Stirling Council

Warp It are pleased to welcome Sustainable Development Project Officer Julie McPhee from Stirling Council in Scotland to talk about: Signing up to Warp It after meeting . . .


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