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Top 10 reuse tips

Warp It is a thriving online redistribution system allowing users across the UK and abroad to reuse unwanted and unloved items, diverting them from landfill. Reuse is . . .

New UK waste reduction policy programme

The UK government has announced plans to encourage increase reuse, repair, and recycling as part of its goal to achieve a circular economy. The Maximising Resources, . . .

The Reuse Revolution continues

This is thanks to the growing Warp It community, which continues to take reuse action and shift towards a circular economy. Moving away from the ‘Take-Make-Dispose’ . . .

Reuse and the Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development is a global priority and aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an increasingly recognised way to make a positive impact as an . . .

Reuse saves hospital ward hundreds of pounds

A women’s health ward at Ipswich Hospital has saved hundreds of pounds in a matter of weeks by rehoming unwanted equipment and furniture using the Warp It reuse system. . . .

Reusing furniture brings savings for University College Dublin

University College Dublin (UCD) has saved an estimated €280K and diverted more than 45 tonnes of furniture from landfill since joining the Warp It reuse and . . .

Charities flock to join reuse community

Over 200 charities and non-profit groups in the UK and overseas have joined the Warp It reuse community since the beginning of the year, boosting total charitable . . .

Warp It joins forces with ALtro project to revolutionise assisted living sector

A circular economy project based in North West Wales has teamed up with the Warp It reuse system to revolutionise the way pre-used or unwanted mobility equipment is . . .

Waste not, want not: reusing preloved electrical goods

E-waste, or waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), is the planet’s fastest-growing waste stream. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) an . . .


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