Assisted donations: How Ben can help you increase your external donations
If you need help to donate more assets into schools and charities then Ben can help you! Ben Lynch is the Partnership Manager at Warp It. In his role, he is responsible . . .
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If you need help to donate more assets into schools and charities then Ben can help you! Ben Lynch is the Partnership Manager at Warp It. In his role, he is responsible . . .
Ask successful leaders and managers what the secret of their success is, and chances are that they’ll tell you they had great mentors. Mentoring is a one-to-one . . .
Virtually anyone can benefit from having a mentor, and even some of the most iconic and inspiring individuals had to start somewhere. From politics, technology and art . . .
We are pleased to introduce this case study from Waikato University in New Zealand, where their decision to use Warp It has caught local media attention. This case study . . .
Within an organisation that wants to make a change, there has to be an individual who can lead and take responsibility for that change. Culture change requires the . . .
I was just on the phone to one of our customers and she was taling about pitching our services to their CEO. So I took her through all the reasons that a CEO who leads a . . .
It might be too early to put the Michael Bublé Christmas CD on just yet, but it’s not too early for us here at Warp It to tell you that we are setting the target of £3m . . .
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We’ve grabbed Ben for a quick interview so that you can learn more about what is going on behind the scenes.
Topics: Charity, Warp It admin, Campaigns
Ask successful leaders and managers what the secret of their success is, and chances are that they’ll tell you they had great mentors.
Mentoring is a one-to-one relationship where a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guides a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. Effective mentoring can be rewarding for both mentees and mentors. If you’re lucky, you’ll have the chance to be both!
Here, we share some great tips and tools so you can begin the exciting journey to do all that’s necessary to attract, and offer, awesome, high-level help.
As Yoda said: “Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.”
Topics: Tips and tools
Virtually anyone can benefit from having a mentor, and even some of the most iconic and inspiring individuals had to start somewhere.
Topics: What we love
We are pleased to introduce this case study from Waikato University in New Zealand, where their decision to use Warp It has caught local media attention. This case study has been forged by quotes from Sustainability Manager Rachael Goddard’s interview on
Topics: University, Case study
Culture change requires the driven implementation and promotion of the new method from within.
Topics: Warp It admin, Orientation
I was just on the phone to one of our customers and she was taling about pitching our services to their CEO. So I took her through all the reasons that a CEO who leads a large organisation would like our service and how we can help them towards their objectives.
As I was talking i was thinking this would make a really good blog post and so here it is!
Your employees have sent you to this article for a whole host of reasons that we are going to clarify and explore in this piece. For the purpose of ease, we’ve split the piece into two parts, first the general benefits of Warp It to CEOs of large organisations, and then second we have shone a light on the Healthcare Industry, one particular industry in which we’ve made a huge difference and gained a lot of heartfelt support.
Topics: NHS, Sustainable healthcare, Features and benefits
It might be too early to put the Michael Bublé Christmas CD on just yet, but it’s not too early for us here at Warp It to tell you that we are setting the target of £3m in charity donations through our platform by December 25th.
Topics: Charity
“Bodacious” – a combination of the words bold and audacious.
The meek have never changed the world. Rosa Parks didn’t have tired feet; she had boldness. So did Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr and pretty much anyone who’s ever made a difference, big or small.
To address today’s urgent challenges half-hearted actions simply aren't enough. To meet the urgent needs of our time, we must be bold, audacious, daring. Discover and unleash your innate boldness with our tips and tools and you’ll accomplish big things for yourself and those around you.
If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
Topics: Tips and tools
Being bold isn’t about being outspoken, explicit and vulgar. Being bold is about unapologetically being you.
Topics: What we love
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