Feature: allocate items externally
This feature allows admins to allocate uploaded assets directly to external partners, including charities, saving a great deal of communications time in the process. . . .
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This feature allows admins to allocate uploaded assets directly to external partners, including charities, saving a great deal of communications time in the process. . . .
When staff from the reuse team move on what happens to their Warp it account and the items they have listed? It is the admin's responsibility to manage this. This guide . . .
As your reuse membership grows and more items are added to the system, how they are categorised becomes increasingly important. Using the category and sub-category . . .
The usual office Christmas party would entail dusting off your glad rags, ordering a taxi and worrying about overeating and having one too many glasses of punch. Not . . .
Does the following description apply to you? Are you working in the Science or Healthcare sectors and are desperate to find a sustainable solution that enables some of . . .
Our team here at Warp It recently welcomed some incredible news, news that really puts us on a global stage. The ‘University Impact Rankings 2019’ was released by the . . .
Making Reuse & Repair Normal Our vision is where reuse repair and redistribution of surplus assets, furniture and equipment mainstream within and between . . .
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This feature allows admins to allocate uploaded assets directly to external partners, including charities, saving a great deal of communications time in the process.
Topics: Warp It admin, Features and benefits
When staff from the reuse team move on what happens to their Warp it account and the items they have listed?
Topics: Warp It admin, Features and benefits
As your reuse membership grows and more items are added to the system, how they are categorised becomes increasingly important.
Topics: Warp It admin, Features and benefits
Topics: Warp It admin, Support
Are you working in the Science or Healthcare sectors and are desperate to find a sustainable solution that enables some of your unwanted assets to find an appropriate home, rather than being sent despairingly to the landfill or for incineration? If yes, Warp It offers the perfect eco-friendly solution for you.
Topics: Sustainable healthcare, Sustainable Labs
The ‘University Impact Rankings 2019’ was released by the ‘World University Rankings’ and looks at many of the Sustainable Development Goals. It featured data on more than 200 universities from more than 56 countries around the world. ‘SDG 12: responsible consumption and production’ is the SDG most relevant to Warp It due to the nature of our business- making assets last longer, therefore reducing resource use.
Topics: University, Case study, Featured
We have seen great interest over the last 6 months in Ireland so in this blog post we are announcing dates for Ireland in early 2020.
Get more details and book your slot below!
Belfast Workshop Wednesday 22nd January 2020
Dublin Workshop early Feb TBC
Cork Workshop early Feb TBC
If you need any more evidence that these workshops will SUPER CHARGE reuse in your organisation town city or region then please read below!
High praise!!
We know you are busy and we know it is very hard to get away from work, so we squeeze a great deal into these short sessions.
In these workshops we have 15-20 minute slots where you hear from procurement, waste, facilities management and sustainability experts talking about their reuse journey and how they have overcome barriers.
We split these presentations up with quick breakout sessions, where you will meet and talk with colleagues from other organisations who are also streamlining reuse.
Topics: Events
Topics: What we love
Storytelling isn’t just reserved for bedtime rituals, it’s one of the most powerful ways to increase motivation and inspiration in others.
Stories bring things to life. They tap into our imagination to do and see things in a different way.
They help us understand and touch our emotions. The best stories make us think: “How can I do that?” “What would I do in that situation?” “What would it be like if I could achieve that?”
To help you channel your inner storyteller, read our tips and tools to get inspired.
As author, Robin Moore, said: “Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released.”
Topics: Tips and tools
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