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Feature: allocate items externally

This feature allows admins to allocate uploaded assets directly to external partners, including charities, saving a great deal of communications time in the process. . . .

Feature: transferring items in bulk to other users

When staff from the reuse team move on what happens to their Warp it account and the items they have listed? It is the admin's responsibility to manage this. This guide . . .

Feature: categories and sub-categories

As your reuse membership grows and more items are added to the system, how they are categorised becomes increasingly important. Using the category and sub-category . . .

Save the Date: Admin online Christmas Social Wed Dec 18th 12 noon - come as you are!

The usual office Christmas party would entail dusting off your glad rags, ordering a taxi and worrying about overeating and having one too many glasses of punch. Not . . .

VIDEO: Warp It for Labs and Research Facilities

Does the following description apply to you? Are you working in the Science or Healthcare sectors and are desperate to find a sustainable solution that enables some of . . .

Warp It System Embedded at 7 of the World’s Top 13 Universities!

Our team here at Warp It recently welcomed some incredible news, news that really puts us on a global stage. The ‘University Impact Rankings 2019’ was released by the . . .

Reuse Within & Between Organisations: Warp It Regional Workshops Ireland

Making Reuse & Repair Normal Our vision is where reuse repair and redistribution of surplus assets, furniture and equipment mainstream within and between . . .

What we love – speaking from the heart

Everyone has a story. Everyone. Stories are a brilliant way to persuade, precipitate discussion, motivate and influence. They're always far more efficient and impactful . . .

Storytelling tips and tools to motive, inspire and influence

Storytelling isn’t just reserved for bedtime rituals, it’s one of the most powerful ways to increase motivation and inspiration in others. Stories bring things to life. . . .


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