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Disruption, Pain Points, and Unmet Needs

Warp It’s Founder, Daniel O’Connor, is here to talk about disruption, innovation, and solving problems. Please read on and enjoy his interesting thoughts... Defining a . . .

Save Time With Our Email Templates

One part of your tool kit for culture change should be emails. In this article you will find links to all of our email templates for use within your organisation, in . . .

Comfort Zone: We Are All Coaches Of Some Kind

This article is something different. This article is me speaking to you personally, sharing a piece of content that I believe will have a huge and immediate positive . . .

How To Increase Your Local Charity Donations, Template Included

The purpose of this blog post is to help existing customers increase their charity donation capacity in the local area. As you may know, a large part of Warp It is . . .

How To Use Celebrity Status To Your Advantage

Welcome! We want to talk to you about making cultural change in large organisations, and to do so we must discuss one particular technique that is used globally, but is . . .

Feature: the status of an item

From being unearthed and identified for reuse, to being advertised on Warp It and securing a new home, items go through a journey that alters their status. Here we . . .

City of Sunderland: Organisation and City Level Sharing of Surplus Assets - Part Two

In part two of this series we are going to talk about the first of our four case studies (part one). I’m Daniel, Head of Customer Happiness at Warp It, and I’m the . . .

Warp It for Consortium, Membership or Umbrella Charities and Community Voluntary Services (CVS)

Membership Charities & Community Voluntary Services (CVS) across the land are discovering they can join Warp It and give their members access to millions of pounds . . .

Organisation and City Level Sharing of Surplus Assets - Part One

Welcome! This article is all about the reuse of surplus assets within and between the University Sector in the UK. In this series of articles we’re going to review four . . .


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