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New! Warp It Wednesday Campaign

Leeds Teaching Hospital are one of our customers. Every Wednesday their porters pick up any surplus furniture and transfer it to a new home using our system. They call . . .

How to Achieve Culture Change While You Sleep!

Our vision is to make reuse mainstream. Our customers want to make reuse mainstream in their organisations. Our customers are generally trying t change culture in . . .

Tips and tools to help you step out of your comfort zone!

Each month we gather and share useful tips and tools; and this time it’s all about stepping out of your comfort zone. Why? Well, while staying in your comfort zone . . .

What we love this September 2018 - breaking free!

We all probably know someone who fondly states after an adventure: "I can’t believe I did that, but I’m so glad I did." This usually happens when we spend time outside . . .

How to Catalogue Assets Quickly and Easily

Time, time, time... When managing a large building clearance, it can often be resource intensive to catalogue exact details and upload a picture of every single asset. . . .

Here's How Warp It Can Be Used As An Asset Management System

Warp It is not designed to manage assets in the traditional sense, in fact, it was designed to redistribute assets that were surplus to requirements. However, we’ve . . .

We Interview Warp It Pioneers Paul Nelson & Laura Manley, North Tyneside Council

We are pleased to welcome not just one, but two Warp It pioneers for this in depth interview. Paul Nelson works as the Environmental Sustainability Manager at North . . .

Feature: list view number of items

When there are large numbers of items ready to reuse on Warp it, you may want to alter the viewing options. We're always taking feedback into account to make the Warp It . . .

King's College London Case Study, Martin Farley

We are pleased to welcome Martin Farley, Sustainable Labs Guy at King’s College London, who has kindly helped us explore the topic of their reuse project and the . . .


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