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A Good Night's Sleep is the Most Widely Undervalued Performance Enhancing Drug

Wakey wakey! If you’re a regular reader of the Warp It blog, you’ll probably have asked yourself why we talk about things like productivity, climbing mountains and . . .

How To Create A Buzz During Delays

Imagine you’re planning your reuse scheme and you’ve already got the go-ahead from stakeholders, done a business case, and have organisational support, but, there’s a . . .

How to get anyone to agree to your culture change project

Daniel's super simple step-by-step guide to changing culture in organisations Step 1: Identify the people who are decision makers This could be your boss, the head of a . . .

How to say no to distraction...

How to say no to distraction and get stuff done... I allow myself to get distracted so easily. Notifications, websites, colleagues, meetings i don't need to be at, other . . .

How to turn a no to a yes.

People who might be of the mind to say no to your proposal need to be treated a bit differently. This article is about strategically reducing the number of times a . . .

How To Collaborate and Build Support Internally - Signpost

Welcome! If you’ve seen our other signpost articles on getting people to buy in to your ideas, and the benefits of Warp It to the healthcare sector, just to name a . . .

The power of a process diagram

Do you need to get people on board with your reuse project? You can maximise your time efficiency by presenting your ideas as flow or process diagrams. We look at a . . .

Changing culture amongst the background noise

Do you want to change culture in an organisation? To do this you need to learn how to communicate effectively with your team members and other staff. That’s what we’re . . .

"Always focus on how far you've come, not how far you have to go." —Anonymous

Why recording mini wins is the path to success! Sometimes it feels like we are trying to swim in treacle. It all seems too difficult and it feels like we don't have the . . .


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