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City of Sunderland: Organisation and City Level Sharing of Surplus Assets - Part Two

In part two of this series we are going to talk about the first of our four case studies (part one). I’m Daniel, Head of Customer Happiness at Warp It, and I’m the . . .

Organisation and City Level Sharing of Surplus Assets - Part One

Welcome! This article is all about the reuse of surplus assets within and between the University Sector in the UK. In this series of articles we’re going to review four . . .

Choose to reUSe - University of Salford's Award Winning Campaign

The University of Salford’s Environmental Sustainability Officer, Rebecca Bennett, is here to walk us through their ‘Choose to reUSe’ scheme. In this piece, you are . . .

Welcome to the £100k Club! Warp It’s Leading Savers...

Engaging your organisation in reuse is getting more and more popular each month, as we see and hear sentiment and content from all around the industry push this method . . .

Making the Business Case - ALL Resources Included!

Your organisation is on a reuse journey. We want to be helpful, we want your reuse system to succeed and we want you to feel like Warp It is here to support you (which . . .

£2.7 million in savings from reuse within the Russell Group

We have some great news to share with you. The reuse of furniture and laboratory equipment pays off handsomely within the Russell Group of Universities! 16 of the 24 . . .

Maximising Reuse within a University and the community

How reuse within a university can not only benefit the organisation but it's students and even local charities. Everyone should be doing it! Warp It are pleased to . . .

The City of Sunderland and the Sharing Economy

We’ve seen our partners do amazing things, such as win national awards, save tens of thousands of pounds worth of equipment from going to landfill, and put together . . .

How Does Reuse Benefit Universities?

This article is all about how we help universities around the globe reduce environmental impact and maximise the value of their surpus assets like furniture, equipment, . . .


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