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How to access surplus supplies furniture and equipment: Monthly catch up

We have a brand new webinar taking place every month for charities and schools specifically. This is to help the newer charities and schools get used to our new features . . .

Online Support Sessions: What do you need to help you maximise reuse?

We are still going through some challenging times. All the more reason to share experiences with others who are in a similar position to you in other organisations and . . .

Feature: mark for external use only

Sometimes you may want to ensure any items you're adding to Warp It and allocated outside of your organisation. This feature is particularly useful when wanting to offer . . .

Happy Choose Day!

Tuesday is my new favourite day... I have started calling it CHOOSE-DAY! As in... you CHOOSE what the "new normal" is. You choose how you live. You choose the new . . .

We love choosing to make a difference

Choose where you focus your energy. Choose a better normal. Choose a better life. Choose a better future. There have never been such powerful reasons to choose to make . . .

Making your mind up? These tools and tips will help.

Making our own choices is very important as it gives our life meaning and influences the way we feel. While we focus on moving forward towards a sustainable future that . . .

Meet MedAID, the charity distributing unwanted medical equipment to where it's needed most

MedAID are a charity on a mission to bridge the gap between surplus medical devices and equipment and the shortage of medical equipment in resource-limited countries. To . . .

We have the power as individuals to change the system. So why don't we?

That's what we will discuss at the next live session with Jen Gale at 4PM on October 7th 2020. Jen Gale is a mum of two boys and did not buy anything for a year! She is . . .

We love persistence and resilience

Bouncing back from adversity can be exhausting. The challenge for us all is to ensure that, in the midst of coping with the pandemic, we don’t miss the life-changing, . . .


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