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Keep going relentlessly with these tools and tips

You’re in the thick of it. Covid-19 is taking centre stage, but the climate crisis is still waiting in the wings. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has . . .

Covid 19 - Safety while picking up items

Hello Everyone, We want to do everything we can to make sure you receive the items you need - and also protect the health and safety of all parties involved in a reuse . . .

Mark Shayler Helps You Find Your Voice

If there is one skill sustainability pro's need, it's the ability to get their message across. ... We continue to invite sustainability leaders to talk at our . . .

Bounce forward with these tips and tools

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down. It has exposed major weaknesses in the economy as well as deep-seated inequalities in our society. Yet, our . . .

We love creating a new and better normal

It was impossible to imagine this reality at the beginning of 2020 and yet here we are, with new habits and changed working and social environments. We accepted and . . .

Feature: how to reject staff members (politely)

Every now and then you may need to reject staff member who request to register with Warp It. Usually a member of your organisation will register with your Warp It portal . . .

Feature: customisable pop up when adding an electrical item

Warp It users often have different ways of dealing with electrical items. Some use Warp It to redistribute surplus electricals around their estate and beyond. Others . . .

International donation webinar

We want to maximise the reuse of surplus assets. Part of this is to re-distribute assets to the 3rd sector for reuse in the community. Another part of this is donating . . .

COVID 19 Reuse guidance- template

As we return back to and a new (better!) world we need relevant guidance to that furniture equipment and asset reuse can be carried out safely. This guidance is designed . . .


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