Keep going relentlessly with these tools and tips
You’re in the thick of it. Covid-19 is taking centre stage, but the climate crisis is still waiting in the wings. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has . . .
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You’re in the thick of it. Covid-19 is taking centre stage, but the climate crisis is still waiting in the wings. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has . . .
Hello Everyone, We want to do everything we can to make sure you receive the items you need - and also protect the health and safety of all parties involved in a reuse . . .
If there is one skill sustainability pro's need, it's the ability to get their message across. ... We continue to invite sustainability leaders to talk at our . . .
The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down. It has exposed major weaknesses in the economy as well as deep-seated inequalities in our society. Yet, our . . .
It was impossible to imagine this reality at the beginning of 2020 and yet here we are, with new habits and changed working and social environments. We accepted and . . .
Every now and then you may need to reject staff member who request to register with Warp It. Usually a member of your organisation will register with your Warp It portal . . .
Warp It users often have different ways of dealing with electrical items. Some use Warp It to redistribute surplus electricals around their estate and beyond. Others . . .
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You’re in the thick of it. Covid-19 is taking centre stage, but the climate crisis is still waiting in the wings.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has emphasised that we must pursue a green, resilient and inclusive economic recovery. Nevertheless, we have to remember that the pandemic probably won’t automatically bring everyone to their senses and provide the correct course of action.
And it isn’t going to happen overnight either.
We’ve written about seizing the moment and bouncing forward previously, but we’re in for the long haul and the need for action remains urgent. So, we must think smarter, stay focused, and adopt a bold and positive mindset.
Here we have ideas and inspiration to help you stay persistent and determined, no matter how disheartened you may feel, in the continued fight for a better, fairer future.
Hang in there and stay tenacious!
Topics: Tips and tools
The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down. It has exposed major weaknesses in the economy as well as deep-seated inequalities in our society.
Yet, our sudden, dramatic shift to a less carbon-intensive lifestyle reveals the scope of what we can achieve in just days.
As the world recovers, we have a chance to reset the clock and build back better than before. We have written about why we need to seize the moment previously, but now we need to continue and the build momentum.
What happens next could change everything.
These actionable tips and tool will keep us moving forward to drive the necessary changes to survive and flourish in a post-pandemic world.
Topics: Tips and tools
It was impossible to imagine this reality at the beginning of 2020 and yet here we are, with new habits and changed working and social environments. We accepted and adapted quickly.
So where to now?
Topics: What we love
Some use Warp It to redistribute surplus electricals around their estate and beyond.
Topics: Warp It admin, Features and benefits
Join us on Zoom to explore this issue on Thursday August 13th 2pm BST.
Equipment donations to overseas countries in need may be a very effective form of aid, provided that the items supplied follow international guidelines and are practical for the receiving party.
A vast number of difficulties may arise during the process and this zoom meeting is designed to explore those issues but also to demonstrates what can be achieved by a "where there's a will there's a way" attitude!.
We will start this exploration by hosting a zoom meeting to discuss the issues in the hope of creating a solid process for our customers to donate furniture equipment and supplies to overseas countries who are in need.
Topics: Charity, Warp It admin, Featured
As we return back to and a new (better!) world we need relevant guidance to that furniture equipment and asset reuse can be carried out safely. This guidance is designed for internal and external reuse including the need to transfer items from the site to members working from home.
In this article, we are going to give you our safe reuse transfer template. After discussion with the internal authority on infection control, please use this template to add into the customisable messages on your Warp It system.
Risk assessments will have been carried out for re-opening and measures put in place to minimise the risk of virus transmission- but hopefully by using the custom messages system on Warp It you can further minimise the risk.
Please attend the next Warp It Admin meeting to discuss this issue.
Topics: Warp It admin, Featured
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