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We love turning good intentions into ACTION!

What matters most to you? We know that tackling complex challenges such as the climate crisis, reuse, sustainability are matters close to your heart. And realising a . . .

Positive uplifting stories required!

We would like to feature your sustainability project on our blog and send it out to our readership. We need good news stories right now! So we are on a push to find . . .

Reused furniture makes positive difference for Sierra Leone school classrooms

A charity working to educate, empower and improve the health of women and girls in West Africa has furnished schools in the area with donations sourced from Warp It . . .

We love understanding different points of view

Do you ever put yourself in the other person’s shoes? It is this ability to have an understanding of others’ experiences and perspectives, their beliefs, feelings, . . .

Tips and tools to see other people's perspectives

Our ability to see other people’s points of view is one of the most crucial tools we have. It’s key to productive and successful collaboration, and this is vital when . . .

A whirlwind of sustainable success for The University of Tasmania

The University of Tasmania is aiming to be the one of the most sustainable universities on the planet. Here we talk to the driving force behind these ambitious plans, . . .

Tools and tips to radically collaborate

Tackling major challenges such as sustainability and the climate crisis, and working towards that all-important new and better normal, takes unprecedented levels of . . .

We love the spirit of togetherness

Nothing is a solo act. Everything is a huge collaboration. To make significant inroads in creating a radically better future we must need to step outside our bubble and . . .

Specialist prison squad on the hunt for disused furniture

The National Tactical Response Group (NTRG), who handle serious incidents in prisons across England and Wales, is seeking old and disused furniture to use in its . . .


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