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Feature: setting up sites, campuses, and departments

A Warp It feature often overlooked, but proven to be very popular, is the capability of setting up sites, campuses and even departments on the system. NHS Trusts, . . .

Back to basics: why reuse?

Annual global waste is rapidly growing, and it’s projected that it will hit a colossal 3.4 billion tonnes by 2050. Meanwhile, the Waste & Resources Action Programme . . .

Feature: delete a member account

There are many reasons why someone may want to delete their Warp It account. They may be moving on to work for another organisation or perhaps taking a lead on other . . .

Feature: mark for external use only

Sometimes you may want to ensure any items you're adding to Warp It and allocated outside of your organisation. This feature is particularly useful when wanting to offer . . .

Feature: how to reject staff members (politely)

Every now and then you may need to reject staff member who request to register with Warp It. Usually a member of your organisation will register with your Warp It portal . . .

Feature: customisable pop up when adding an electrical item

Warp It users often have different ways of dealing with electrical items. Some use Warp It to redistribute surplus electricals around their estate and beyond. Others . . .

A Guide to Sales or Donations to Your Staff body.

Sometimes you do not find a match for your surplus assets internally or even within the community. But you do not want to send those assets to landfill. You work in a . . .

Feature: temporarily pausing your portal

While rare, there may be times you want to pause your reuse activities. The Covid-19 pandemic is an example of when this may be needed. Pausing the Warp It portal will . . .

Feature: mark for internal use only

If you're set up to allow external claims, this feature will allow you to add items that are for internal use only. Here's a quick guide to show you how to use this . . .


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