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Reusing medical equipment is the right remedy

There has been an upsurge in discarding hospital textile and fabric-covered chairs and soft furnishings, with many health organisations opting to use wipeable furniture . . .

Reach out! With a newsletter

A newsletter is a brilliant way to build trust with the right people, get them involved with your reuse project, and spread the word. Whether you want staff to adopt . . .

University of Glasgow set to save £1million as it confirms eighth year of reuse with Warp It

The University of Glasgow is on track to hit a million pounds in financial savings as it enters its eighth year using the Warp It redistribution system. The university . . .

Warp It reuse community goes from strength to strength

The Warp It redistribution system has seen a surge in membership renewals during the last three months, highlighting the ongoing value of reuse and sustainability for . . .

Stand out from the crowd with these tools and tips

You work hard and achieve great reuse results. But do the right people know about it? Do you stand out in the crowd? People are busy, organisations even more dispersed . . .

We love shouting about about reuse progress and success

A professionally-crafted and well-executed promotional campaign will do wonders for the success of your reuse project. It will help you communicate your messages, boost . . .

Workshop: green your lab by reusing equipment

Laboratories often produce vast amounts of waste, due to frequent personnel turnover, lab moves, and changing research needs. The increased use of single-use plastics, . . .

Feature: setting up sites, campuses, and departments

A Warp It feature often overlooked, but proven to be very popular, is the capability of setting up sites, campuses and even departments on the system. NHS Trusts, . . .

A guide to building clearances as new ways of working are adopted

The pandemic has accelerated trends in remote work and many organisations are shifting to flexible workspace, a move that will reduce the overall space they need and . . .


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